Wiring Iris and Spectral

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SKU: KAB-T-4X-YYY Category:

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< 10 (ord. price)SEK XX.XX
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SKU Typ of cable Height Color Explanation
KAB-T-41-100 Connection cable 100 mm Red-Green-Blue-Black Inserted at the plus end of the first module in a chain
KAB-T-41-100R Return cable 100 mm Red-Green-Blue-Black Inserted at the minus end of the last module in a chain
KAB-T-44-50 Intermediate cable 50 mm Black Inserted between two LED modules to connect them in series
KAB-T-44-100 Intermediate cable 100 mm Black Inserted between two LED modules to connect them in series
KAB-T-44-200 Intermediate cable 200 mm Black Inserted between two LED modules to connect them in series

More information

Weight 10 kg
dimensions 25x55x14 cm
Accessories for module

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